SCBU / Specialist Care Baby Clothes (1lb-4lb) | Premature Baby Store

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SCBU / Specialist Care Baby Clothes (1lb-4lb)

A Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) is a specialist ward that a baby will be admitted onto if it requires medical help after birth, but doesn't need to be on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It may also be known as a neonatal unit (NNU).

Babies on SCBU will require specialist clothing, often the same clothing they have when in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This is because the equipment on SCBU also includes incubators, breathing aids, and a range of machinery that will monitor vital signs such as heart and breathing activity.

Therefore the SCBU baby clothes need to be able to accomodate wires and tubes. Easy access clothes are most popular with SCBU nurses during this time and we have a wide range to choose from. Our SCBU baby clothes for the more poorly babies includes incubator vests, wrap-over tops and dresses, trousers, hats and scratch mittens.

Once the treatment being provided is less intensive, baby may be able to wear more typical baby vests and bodysuits (with plenty of popper fastenings making dressing and changing quite easy). 

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