Our first review that's not 5 stars :(

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Our first review that's not 5 stars :(

This morning we woke up to an alert in our Inbox to tell us we'd received another review, and we love seeing these!

But our hearts sank as we saw it was 4 out of 5.

We then read the review:

"Lovely premature baby clothes arrived very quickly and packaged beautifully for a present, would recommend".

This was the first review we've had that isn't 5 out of 5, but we soon realised that our disappointment was a bit silly really. The customer was clearly still really happy and we're delighted that they - and other customers - go to the effort to write a nice review.

I guess our initial disappointment just shows how much we care!

Baby clothes & gifts

Sizes: Premature to 6 months